

class info


  • 从含义上来说,InsnList类表示一个有序的指令集合,而AbstractInsnNode则表示单条指令。
  • 从结构上来说,InsnList类是一个存储AbstractInsnNode的双向链表。
public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {


ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
// ...
MethodNode mn = cn.methods.get(0);
InsnList instructions = mn.instructions;
for (AbstractInsnNode insn : instructions) {



public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    private int size;

    private AbstractInsnNode firstInsn;
    private AbstractInsnNode lastInsn;

    // A cache of the instructions of this list.
    // This cache is used to improve the performance of the get method.
    AbstractInsnNode[] cache;



public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    // 没有提供




public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public int size() {
        return size;

    public AbstractInsnNode getFirst() {
        return firstInsn;

    public AbstractInsnNode getLast() {
        return lastInsn;

    public AbstractInsnNode get(int index) {
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = toArray();
        return cache[index];

    public AbstractInsnNode[] toArray() {
        int currentInsnIndex = 0;
        AbstractInsnNode currentInsn = firstInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode[] insnNodeArray = new AbstractInsnNode[size];
        while (currentInsn != null) {
            insnNodeArray[currentInsnIndex] = currentInsn;
            currentInsn.index = currentInsnIndex++;
            currentInsn = currentInsn.nextInsn;
        return insnNodeArray;



public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void accept(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
        AbstractInsnNode currentInsn = firstInsn;
        while (currentInsn != null) {
            currentInsn = currentInsn.nextInsn;





public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public ListIterator<AbstractInsnNode> iterator() {
        return iterator(0);

    public ListIterator<AbstractInsnNode> iterator(int index) {
        return new InsnListIterator(index);


import lsieun.utils.FileUtils;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;

public class HelloWorldRun {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // 读取字节数组byte[]
        String relative_path = "sample/HelloWorld.class";
        String filepath = FileUtils.getFilePath(relative_path);
        byte[] bytes = FileUtils.readBytes(filepath);

        // 将byte[]转换成ClassNode
        ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes);
        ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(Opcodes.ASM9);
        cr.accept(cn, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);

        // 遍历InsnList
        InsnList instructions = cn.methods.get(0).instructions;
        for (AbstractInsnNode insn : instructions) {


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void insert(AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        if (firstInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = insnNode;
            lastInsn = insnNode;
        } else {
            firstInsn.previousInsn = insnNode;
            insnNode.nextInsn = firstInsn;
        firstInsn = insnNode;
        cache = null;
        insnNode.index = 0; // insnNode now belongs to an InsnList.

    public void insert(InsnList insnList) {
        if (insnList.size == 0) {
        size += insnList.size;
        if (firstInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = insnList.firstInsn;
            lastInsn = insnList.lastInsn;
        } else {
            AbstractInsnNode lastInsnListElement = insnList.lastInsn;
            firstInsn.previousInsn = lastInsnListElement;
            lastInsnListElement.nextInsn = firstInsn;
            firstInsn = insnList.firstInsn;
        cache = null;


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void add(AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        if (lastInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = insnNode;
            lastInsn = insnNode;
        } else {
            lastInsn.nextInsn = insnNode;
            insnNode.previousInsn = lastInsn;
        lastInsn = insnNode;
        cache = null;
        insnNode.index = 0; // insnNode now belongs to an InsnList.

    public void add(InsnList insnList) {
        if (insnList.size == 0) {
        size += insnList.size;
        if (lastInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = insnList.firstInsn;
            lastInsn = insnList.lastInsn;
        } else {
            AbstractInsnNode firstInsnListElement = insnList.firstInsn;
            lastInsn.nextInsn = firstInsnListElement;
            firstInsnListElement.previousInsn = lastInsn;
            lastInsn = insnList.lastInsn;
        cache = null;


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void insert(AbstractInsnNode previousInsn, AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        AbstractInsnNode nextInsn = previousInsn.nextInsn;
        if (nextInsn == null) {
            lastInsn = insnNode;
        } else {
            nextInsn.previousInsn = insnNode;
        previousInsn.nextInsn = insnNode;
        insnNode.nextInsn = nextInsn;
        insnNode.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        cache = null;
        insnNode.index = 0; // insnNode now belongs to an InsnList.

    public void insert(AbstractInsnNode previousInsn, InsnList insnList) {
        if (insnList.size == 0) {
        size += insnList.size;
        AbstractInsnNode firstInsnListElement = insnList.firstInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode lastInsnListElement = insnList.lastInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode nextInsn = previousInsn.nextInsn;
        if (nextInsn == null) {
            lastInsn = lastInsnListElement;
        } else {
            nextInsn.previousInsn = lastInsnListElement;
        previousInsn.nextInsn = firstInsnListElement;
        lastInsnListElement.nextInsn = nextInsn;
        firstInsnListElement.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        cache = null;

    public void insertBefore(AbstractInsnNode nextInsn, AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        AbstractInsnNode previousInsn = nextInsn.previousInsn;
        if (previousInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = insnNode;
        } else {
            previousInsn.nextInsn = insnNode;
        nextInsn.previousInsn = insnNode;
        insnNode.nextInsn = nextInsn;
        insnNode.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        cache = null;
        insnNode.index = 0; // insnNode now belongs to an InsnList.

    public void insertBefore(AbstractInsnNode nextInsn, InsnList insnList) {
        if (insnList.size == 0) {
        size += insnList.size;
        AbstractInsnNode firstInsnListElement = insnList.firstInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode lastInsnListElement = insnList.lastInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode previousInsn = nextInsn.previousInsn;
        if (previousInsn == null) {
            firstInsn = firstInsnListElement;
        } else {
            previousInsn.nextInsn = firstInsnListElement;
        nextInsn.previousInsn = lastInsnListElement;
        lastInsnListElement.nextInsn = nextInsn;
        firstInsnListElement.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        cache = null;


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void remove(AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        AbstractInsnNode nextInsn = insnNode.nextInsn;
        AbstractInsnNode previousInsn = insnNode.previousInsn;
        if (nextInsn == null) {
            if (previousInsn == null) {
                firstInsn = null;
                lastInsn = null;
            } else {
                previousInsn.nextInsn = null;
                lastInsn = previousInsn;
        } else {
            if (previousInsn == null) {
                firstInsn = nextInsn;
                nextInsn.previousInsn = null;
            } else {
                previousInsn.nextInsn = nextInsn;
                nextInsn.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        cache = null;
        insnNode.index = -1; // insnNode no longer belongs to an InsnList.
        insnNode.previousInsn = null;
        insnNode.nextInsn = null;

    void removeAll(boolean mark) {
        if (mark) {
            AbstractInsnNode currentInsn = firstInsn;
            while (currentInsn != null) {
                AbstractInsnNode next = currentInsn.nextInsn;
                currentInsn.index = -1; // currentInsn no longer belongs to an InsnList.
                currentInsn.previousInsn = null;
                currentInsn.nextInsn = null;
                currentInsn = next;
        size = 0;
        firstInsn = null;
        lastInsn = null;
        cache = null;

    public void clear() {


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public void set(AbstractInsnNode oldInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode newInsnNode) {
        // 处理与后续指令之间的关系
        AbstractInsnNode nextInsn = oldInsnNode.nextInsn;
        newInsnNode.nextInsn = nextInsn;
        if (nextInsn != null) {
            nextInsn.previousInsn = newInsnNode;
        } else {
            lastInsn = newInsnNode;

        // 处理与前面指令之间的关系
        AbstractInsnNode previousInsn = oldInsnNode.previousInsn;
        newInsnNode.previousInsn = previousInsn;
        if (previousInsn != null) {
            previousInsn.nextInsn = newInsnNode;
        } else {
            firstInsn = newInsnNode;
        // 新指令获取索引信息
        if (cache != null) {
            int index = oldInsnNode.index;
            cache[index] = newInsnNode;
            newInsnNode.index = index;
        } else {
            newInsnNode.index = 0; // newInsnNode now belongs to an InsnList.
        // 旧指令移除索引信息
        oldInsnNode.index = -1; // oldInsnNode no longer belongs to an InsnList.
        oldInsnNode.previousInsn = null;
        oldInsnNode.nextInsn = null;


public class InsnList implements Iterable<AbstractInsnNode> {
    public boolean contains(AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        AbstractInsnNode currentInsn = firstInsn;
        while (currentInsn != null && currentInsn != insnNode) {
            currentInsn = currentInsn.nextInsn;
        return currentInsn != null;

    public int indexOf(AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = toArray();
        return insnNode.index;


An InsnList is a doubly linked list of instructions, whose links are stored in the AbstractInsnNode objects themselves. This point is extremely important because it has many consequences on the way instruction objects and instruction lists must be used:

  • An AbstractInsnNode object cannot appear more than once in an instruction list.
  • An AbstractInsnNode object cannot belong to several instruction lists at the same time.
  • As a consequence, adding an AbstractInsnNode to a list requires removing it from the list to which it belonged, if any.
  • As another consequence, adding all the elements of a list into another one clears the first list.



  • 第一点,介绍InsnList类各个部分的信息。
  • 第二点,对InsnList类中的方法进行分类,分成遍历、增、删、改、查五个类别,目的是方便从概括的角度来把握这些方法。
  • 第三点,在InsnList类中,AbstractInsnNode表现出来的特点就是“一臣不能事二主”。