
如何移除Dead Code

This BasicInterpreter is not very useful in itself, but it can be used as an “empty” Interpreter implementation in order to construct an Analyzer. This analyzer can then be used to detect unreachable code in a method.

   ┌── Analyzer
   │        ┌── Value                                   ┌── Interpreter
   │        │                                           │
Analyzer<BasicValue> analyzer = new Analyzer<>(new BasicInterpreter());
Frame<BasicValue>[] frames = analyzer.analyze(owner, mn);
   │        │
   │        └── Value
   └── Frame

Indeed, even by following both branches in jumps instructions, it is not possible to reach code that cannot be reached from the first instruction. The consequence is that, after an analysis, and whatever the Interpreter implementation, the computed frames – returned by the Analyzer.getFrames method - are null for instructions that cannot be reached.

那么,为什么可以移除dead code呢?

  • 其实,BasicInterpreter类本身并没有太多的作用,因为所有的引用类型都使用BasicValue.REFERENCE_VALUE来表示,类型非常单一,没有太多的操作空间。
  • 相反的,Analyzer类才是起到主要作用的类,Frame<V>[] frames = (Frame<V>[]) new Frame<?>[insnListSize];。那么,在默认情况下,frames里所有元素都是null值。如果某一条instruction可以执行到,那么就会设置对应的frames当中的值,就不再为null了。反过来说,如果frames当中的某一个元素为null,那么也就表示对应的instruction就是dead code。


000:                                 goto L0    {R, I} | {}
001:                                  athrow    {} | {}
002:                                      L0    {R, I} | {}
003:                    getstatic System.out    {R, I} | {}
004:                                 iload_1    {R, I} | {R}
005:                                 goto L1    {R, I} | {R, I}
006:                                     nop    {} | {}
007:                                     nop    {} | {}
008:                                  athrow    {} | {}
009:                                      L1    {R, I} | {R, I}
010:                                 ifne L2    {R, I} | {R, I}
011:                          ldc "val is 0"    {R, I} | {R}
012:                                 goto L3    {R, I} | {R, R}
013:                                      L2    {R, I} | {R}
014:                      ldc "val is not 0"    {R, I} | {R}
015:                                      L3    {R, I} | {R, R}
016:       invokevirtual PrintStream.println    {R, I} | {R, R}
017:                                  return    {R, I} | {}
018:                                     nop    {} | {}
019:                                     nop    {} | {}
020:                                  athrow    {} | {}



在之前的Tree Based Class Transformation示例当中,有一个示例是“优化跳转”,经过优化之后,有一些instruction就成为dead code。

我们的预期目标就是移除那些成为dead code的instruction。


import lsieun.asm.tree.transformer.MethodTransformer;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.*;

public class RemoveDeadCodeNode extends ClassNode {
    public RemoveDeadCodeNode(int api, ClassVisitor cv) {
        this.cv = cv;

    public void visitEnd() {
        // 首先,处理自己的代码逻辑
        MethodTransformer mt = new MethodRemoveDeadCodeTransformer(name, null);
        for (MethodNode mn : methods) {

        // 其次,调用父类的方法实现

        // 最后,向后续ClassVisitor传递
        if (cv != null) {

    private static class MethodRemoveDeadCodeTransformer extends MethodTransformer {
        private final String owner;

        public MethodRemoveDeadCodeTransformer(String owner, MethodTransformer mt) {
            this.owner = owner;

        public void transform(MethodNode mn) {
            // 首先,处理自己的代码逻辑
            Analyzer<BasicValue> analyzer = new Analyzer<>(new BasicInterpreter());
            try {
                analyzer.analyze(owner, mn);
                Frame<BasicValue>[] frames = analyzer.getFrames();
                AbstractInsnNode[] insnNodes = mn.instructions.toArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
                    if (frames[i] == null && !(insnNodes[i] instanceof LabelNode)) {
            catch (AnalyzerException ex) {

            // 其次,调用父类的方法实现


import lsieun.utils.FileUtils;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*;

public class HelloWorldTransformTree {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String relative_path = "sample/HelloWorld.class";
        String filepath = FileUtils.getFilePath(relative_path);
        byte[] bytes1 = FileUtils.readBytes(filepath);

        // (1)构建ClassReader
        ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes1);

        // (2)构建ClassWriter
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);

        // (3)串连ClassNode
        int api = Opcodes.ASM9;
        ClassNode cn = new RemoveDeadCodeNode(api, cw);

        int parsingOptions = ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES;
        cr.accept(cn, parsingOptions);

        // (5) 生成byte[]
        byte[] bytes2 = cw.toByteArray();

        FileUtils.writeBytes(filepath, bytes2);


$ javap -c sample.HelloWorld
public class sample.HelloWorld {
  public void test(int);
       0: goto          3
       3: getstatic     #16                 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
       6: iload_1
       7: goto          10
      10: ifne          18
      13: ldc           #18                 // String val is 0
      15: goto          20
      18: ldc           #20                 // String val is not 0
      20: invokevirtual #26                 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
      23: return


There are more efficient ways, but they require writing more code.

            ┌─── data flow analysis
Analyzer ───┤
            └─── control flow analysis


这个ControlFlowAnalyzer是模仿org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer写的,但是不带有泛型信息,也不带有Frame相关的信息,只是将control flow analysis功能抽取出来。

import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ControlFlowAnalyzer implements Opcodes {

    private InsnList insnList;
    private int insnListSize;
    private List<TryCatchBlockNode>[] handlers;

     * 记录需要处理的instructions.
     * NOTE: 这三个字段为一组,应该一起处理,最好是放到同一个方法里来处理。
     * 因此,我就加了三个新方法。
     * {@link #initInstructionsToProcess()}、{@link #addInstructionsToProcess(int)}和
     * {@link #removeInstructionsToProcess()}
     * @see #initInstructionsToProcess()
     * @see #addInstructionsToProcess(int)
     * @see #removeInstructionsToProcess()
    private boolean[] inInstructionsToProcess;
    private int[] instructionsToProcess;
    private int numInstructionsToProcess;

    public ControlFlowAnalyzer() {

    public List<TryCatchBlockNode> getHandlers(final int insnIndex) {
        return handlers[insnIndex];

    // NOTE: analyze方法的返回值类型变成了void类型。
    public void analyze(final String owner, final MethodNode method) throws AnalyzerException {
        if ((method.access & (ACC_ABSTRACT | ACC_NATIVE)) != 0) {
        insnList = method.instructions;
        insnListSize = insnList.size();
        handlers = (List<TryCatchBlockNode>[]) new List<?>[insnListSize];


        // For each exception handler, and each instruction within its range, record in 'handlers' the
        // fact that execution can flow from this instruction to the exception handler.
        for (int i = 0; i < method.tryCatchBlocks.size(); ++i) {
            TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchBlock = method.tryCatchBlocks.get(i);
            int startIndex = insnList.indexOf(tryCatchBlock.start);
            int endIndex = insnList.indexOf(tryCatchBlock.end);
            for (int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; ++j) {
                List<TryCatchBlockNode> insnHandlers = handlers[j];
                if (insnHandlers == null) {
                    insnHandlers = new ArrayList<>();
                    handlers[j] = insnHandlers;

        // Initializes the data structures for the control flow analysis.
        // NOTE: 调用addInstructionsToProcess方法,传入参数0,启动整个循环过程。
        init(owner, method);

        // Control flow analysis.
        while (numInstructionsToProcess > 0) {
            // Get and remove one instruction from the list of instructions to process.
            int insnIndex = removeInstructionsToProcess();

            // Simulate the execution of this instruction.
            AbstractInsnNode insnNode = method.instructions.get(insnIndex);
            int insnOpcode = insnNode.getOpcode();
            int insnType = insnNode.getType();

            if (insnType == AbstractInsnNode.LABEL
                    || insnType == AbstractInsnNode.LINE
                    || insnType == AbstractInsnNode.FRAME) {
                newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, insnIndex + 1);
            else {
                if (insnNode instanceof JumpInsnNode) {
                    JumpInsnNode jumpInsn = (JumpInsnNode) insnNode;
                    if (insnOpcode != GOTO && insnOpcode != JSR) {
                        newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, insnIndex + 1);
                    int jumpInsnIndex = insnList.indexOf(jumpInsn.label);
                    newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, jumpInsnIndex);
                else if (insnNode instanceof LookupSwitchInsnNode) {
                    LookupSwitchInsnNode lookupSwitchInsn = (LookupSwitchInsnNode) insnNode;
                    int targetInsnIndex = insnList.indexOf(lookupSwitchInsn.dflt);
                    newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, targetInsnIndex);
                    for (int i = 0; i < lookupSwitchInsn.labels.size(); ++i) {
                        LabelNode label = lookupSwitchInsn.labels.get(i);
                        targetInsnIndex = insnList.indexOf(label);
                        newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, targetInsnIndex);
                else if (insnNode instanceof TableSwitchInsnNode) {
                    TableSwitchInsnNode tableSwitchInsn = (TableSwitchInsnNode) insnNode;
                    int targetInsnIndex = insnList.indexOf(tableSwitchInsn.dflt);
                    newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, targetInsnIndex);
                    for (int i = 0; i < tableSwitchInsn.labels.size(); ++i) {
                        LabelNode label = tableSwitchInsn.labels.get(i);
                        targetInsnIndex = insnList.indexOf(label);
                        newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, targetInsnIndex);
                else if (insnOpcode != ATHROW && (insnOpcode < IRETURN || insnOpcode > RETURN)) {
                    newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, insnIndex + 1);

            List<TryCatchBlockNode> insnHandlers = handlers[insnIndex];
            if (insnHandlers != null) {
                for (TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchBlock : insnHandlers) {
                    newControlFlowExceptionEdge(insnIndex, tryCatchBlock);


    protected void init(final String owner, final MethodNode method) throws AnalyzerException {
        // Nothing to do.

    // NOTE: 这是一个新添加的方法
    private void initInstructionsToProcess() {
        inInstructionsToProcess = new boolean[insnListSize];
        instructionsToProcess = new int[insnListSize];
        numInstructionsToProcess = 0;

    // NOTE: 这是一个新添加的方法
    private int removeInstructionsToProcess() {
        int insnIndex = this.instructionsToProcess[--numInstructionsToProcess];
        inInstructionsToProcess[insnIndex] = false;
        return insnIndex;

    // NOTE: 这是一个新添加的方法
    private void addInstructionsToProcess(final int insnIndex) {
        if (!inInstructionsToProcess[insnIndex]) {
            inInstructionsToProcess[insnIndex] = true;
            instructionsToProcess[numInstructionsToProcess++] = insnIndex;

    protected void newControlFlowEdge(final int insnIndex, final int successorIndex) {
        // Nothing to do.

    protected void newControlFlowExceptionEdge(final int insnIndex, final TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchBlock) {
        newControlFlowExceptionEdge(insnIndex, insnList.indexOf(tryCatchBlock.handler));

    protected void newControlFlowExceptionEdge(final int insnIndex, final int successorIndex) {
        // Nothing to do.


import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException;

public class DeadCodeDiagnosis {
    public static int[] diagnose(String className, MethodNode mn) throws AnalyzerException {
        InsnList instructions = mn.instructions;
        int size = instructions.size();

        boolean[] flags = new boolean[size];
        ControlFlowAnalyzer analyzer = new ControlFlowAnalyzer() {
            protected void newControlFlowEdge(int insnIndex, int successorIndex) {
                // 首先,处理自己的代码逻辑
                flags[insnIndex] = true;
                flags[successorIndex] = true;

                // 其次,调用父类的实现
                super.newControlFlowEdge(insnIndex, successorIndex);
        analyzer.analyze(className, mn);

        TIntArrayList intArrayList = new TIntArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            boolean flag = flags[i];
            if (!flag) {

        return intArrayList.toNativeArray();


  • 第一点,实现逻辑。通过重写ControlFlowAnalyzer类的newControlFlowEdge方法实现,将能够访问到了指令索引(instruction index)存放到一个boolean[] flags当中。
  • 第二点,类名的命名规则。
    • 如果当前类是自己写的,那么类名的命名规则为XxxDiagnosis,其中定义的主要方法叫diagnose方法(诊断)。
    • 如果当前类继承自Analyzer类,或者说模仿Analyzer类,那么类命名规则为XxxAnalyzer类,其主要的方法为analyze方法(分析)。
  • 第三点,TIntArrayList类的使用。
    • 类的作用:它的操作类似于List<int>类型,里面的每一个元素都是int类型,比使用List<Integer>更高效。
    • 类的来源:TIntArrayList类来源于trove4j类库。Trove is a high-performance library which provides primitive collections for Java.
    • 类的优势:The greatest benefit of using TIntArrayList is performance and memory consumption gains. No additional boxing/unboxing is needed as it stores the data inside of an int[] array.
    • 类的引用:在实际项目当中,可以在pom.xml文件中添加maven依赖


public class HelloWorldAnalysisTree {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String relative_path = "sample/HelloWorld.class";
        String filepath = FileUtils.getFilePath(relative_path);
        byte[] bytes = FileUtils.readBytes(filepath);

        ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes);

        int api = Opcodes.ASM9;
        ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(api);

        int parsingOptions = ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES;
        cr.accept(cn, parsingOptions);

        List<MethodNode> methods = cn.methods;
        MethodNode mn = methods.get(1);
        int[] array = DeadCodeDiagnosis.diagnose(cn.name, mn);
        BoxDrawingUtils.printInstructionLinks(mn.instructions, array);


[1, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20]
      000: goto L0
┌──── 001: athrow
│     002: L0
│     003: getstatic System.out
│     004: iload_1
│     005: goto L1
├──── 006: nop
├──── 007: nop
├──── 008: athrow
│     009: L1
│     010: ifne L2
│     011: ldc "val is 0"
│     012: goto L3
│     013: L2
│     014: ldc "val is not 0"
│     015: L3
│     016: invokevirtual PrintStream.println
│     017: return
├──── 018: nop
├──── 019: nop
└──── 020: athrow

逻辑上的dead code

上面介绍的两种解决问题是没有办法处理代码逻辑上的dead code的:

public class HelloWorld {
    public void test(int val) {
        if (val > 0) {
            if (val < -1) {
                // 这里是不可能执行的



  • 第一点,移除dead code的识别标志:如果某一条指令(instruction)是dead code,那么它对应的frame是null
  • 第二点,如果不借助于frame信息,那么我们可以使用Analyzer类的control flow analysis部分进行实现。
  • 第三点,当前介绍的两种解决方法有局限性,不能处理代码逻辑上的dead code。