这个话题属于Liquid Tags的范畴。

Jekyll has built in support for syntax highlighting of over 100 languages thanks to Rouge.

Rouge is the default highlighter in Jekyll 3 and above.

Code snippet highlighting

To render a code block with syntax highlighting, surround your code as follows:

{% highlight ruby %}
def foo
  puts 'foo'
{% endhighlight %}
def foo
  puts 'foo'

The argument to the highlight tag (ruby in the example above) is the language identifier.

To find the appropriate identifier to use for the language you want to highlight, look for the “short name” on the Rouge wiki.

  • c: The C programming language
  • csharp: a multi-paradigm language targeting .NET [aliases: c#,cs]
  • css: Cascading Style Sheets, used to style web pages
  • go: The Go programming language (http://golang.org) [aliases: go,golang]
  • html: HTML, the markup language of the web
  • http: http requests and responses
  • java: The Java programming language (java.com)
  • javascript: JavaScript, the browser scripting language [aliases: js]
  • json: JavaScript Object Notation (json.org)
  • kotlin: Kotlin Programming Language (http://kotlinlang.org)
  • liquid: Liquid is a templating engine for Ruby (liquidmarkup.org)
  • plaintext: A boring lexer that doesn’t highlight anything [aliases: text]
  • ruby: The Ruby programming language (ruby-lang.org) [aliases: rb]
  • scala: The Scala programming language (scala-lang.org) [aliases: scala]
  • shell: Various shell languages, including sh and bash [aliases: bash,zsh,ksh,sh]
  • xml: XML
  • yaml: Yaml Ain’t Markup Language (yaml.org) [aliases: yml]

Jekyll processes all Liquid filters in code blocks
If you are using a language that contains curly braces,
you will likely need to place {% raw %} and {% endraw %} tags around your code.
Since Jekyll 4.0, you can add render_with_liquid: false in your front matter
to disable Liquid entirely for a particular document.

Line numbers

There is a second argument to highlight called linenos that is optional.

Including the linenos argument will force the highlighted code to include line numbers.

For instance, the following code block would include line numbers next to each line:

{% highlight ruby linenos %}
def foo
  puts 'foo'
{% endhighlight %}
def foo
  puts 'foo'

Stylesheets for syntax highlighting

In order for the highlighting to show up, you’ll need to include a highlighting stylesheet.

For Pygments or Rouge you can use a stylesheet for Pygments, you can find an example gallery here or from its repository.

Copy the CSS file (native.css for example) into your css directory and import the syntax highlighter styles into your main.css:

@import "native.css";