Liquid Tags
Since Jekyll 4.0, you don’t need to prepend link
and post_url
tags with site.baseurl
Linking to pages
To link to a post, a page, collection item, or file,
the link
tag will generate the correct permalink URL for the path you specify.
For example, if you use the link
tag to link to mypage.html
even if you change your permalink style to include the file extension or omit it,
the URL formed by the link
tag will always be valid.
You must include the file’s original extension when using the link
Here are some examples:
{% link _collection/ %}
{% link _posts/ %}
{% link news/index.html %}
{% link /assets/files/doc.pdf %}
You can also use the link
tag to create a link in Markdown as follows:
[Link to a document]({% link _collection/ %})
[Link to a post]({% link _posts/ %})
[Link to a page]({% link news/index.html %})
[Link to a file]({% link /assets/files/doc.pdf %})
The path to the post, page, or collection is defined as the path relative to the root directory (where your config file is) to the file, not the path from your existing page to the other page.
这里post、page和collection的link是相对于root directory的路径。
For example, suppose you’re creating a link in
(stored in pages/folder1/folder2
) to
(stored in pages/folder1
Your path in the link would not be ../page_b.html
. Instead, it would be /pages/folder1/
Display the path
If you’re unsure of the path, add {{ page.path }}
to the page and it will display the path.
Linking to posts
If you want to include a link to a post on your site,
the post_url
tag will generate the correct permalink URL for the post you specify.
{% post_url 2010-07-21-name-of-post %}
If you organize your posts in subdirectories, you need to include subdirectory path to the post:
{% post_url /subdir/2010-07-21-name-of-post %}
There is no need to include the file extension when using the post_url
You can also use this tag to create a link to a post in Markdown as follows:
[Name of Link]({% post_url 2010-07-21-name-of-post %})