The main types of content for Jekyll sites are pages and posts.


A page is for standalone content that isn’t associated with a specific date, such as an “About” page.

The default Jekyll site contains a file called about.md, which renders as a page on your site at YOUR-SITE-URL/about.

For more information, see “Pages” in the Jekyll documentation.


A post is a blog post.

The default Jekyll site contains a directory named _posts that contains a default post file.

For more information, see “Posts” in the Jekyll documentation.

Adding a new page to your site

In the root of your publishing source, create a new file for your page called PAGE-NAME.md, replacing PAGE-NAME with a meaningful filename for the page.

Add the following YAML front matter to the top of the file, replacing PAGE TITLE with the page’s title and URL-PATH with a path you want for the page’s URL.

layout: page
title: "PAGE TITLE"
permalink: /URL-PATH/

For example, if the base URL of your site is https://octocat.github.io and your URL-PATH is /about/contact/, your page will be located at https://octocat.github.io/about/contact.

Adding a new post to your site

Navigate to the _posts directory.

Create a new file called YYYY-MM-DD-NAME-OF-POST.md, replacing YYYY-MM-DD with the date of your post and NAME-OF-POST with the name of your post.

Add the following YAML front matter to the top of the file, replacing POST TITLE with the post’s title, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss -0000 with the date and time for the post, and CATEGORY-1 and CATEGORY-2 with as many categories you want for your post.

layout: post
title: "POST TITLE"
date: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss -0000
categories: CATEGORY-1 CATEGORY-2