“Know thyself” is a philosophical maxim which was inscribed upon the Temple of Apollo in the ancient Greek precinct of Delphi.


  • abstention: 戒;戒除 the act of not allowing yourself to have or do sth enjoyable or sth that is considered bad
基础 色情 其他
  1. 介绍
  1. 如何避免色的勾引
  2. 恋癖
  3. 中医视角
  4. Dangers of Pornography
  5. 不淨觀
  6. 戒断反应
  7. 戒色2年3个月的体悟(附:戒色的十个阶段)
  1. 远离电子游戏


成长 做人
  1. 情绪
  2. 成长/成熟
  3. 亲子关系
  4. 勤奋和懒惰
  5. 事业
  1. Man
  2. 7 Habits That Are Incredibly Hard to Do But Pay Off Forever


学说/教导 看法/理解/洞察力
  1. 王阳明心学四句
  1. 高能量
  2. 真正的闯关
